
Dear reader,

Welcome to Srishti’s humble abode.  No matter how you’ve stumbled across this page, we hope you stay with us till the end.  If at any point should you feel weary, you’re free to leave (no restrictions-just in case).  As far as the writer is concerned, if you happen to read some of her blogs, you might think that the writer is somewhat depressed or maybe a lot depressed- but we guarantee you that the mental health of this person is 100% alright.

She is no John Lennon or John Green or a Paulo Coelho or anyone. She is just an 18 year old impulsive maniac who doesn’t know the first thing about writing but somehow still has the guts to show up here at a moment’s thought. Though there is a side of her which is not so much of a trouble. She is this really simple girl who likes all things creative. She’s in love with the rain and the petrichor and the skies and the stars and so many other things that have a heart. She is someone who believes that people write to disappear.




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